Veggies, Gnomes, and Fascism

I love summer! It’s the vegetables. So many, so colorful, so tasty. At every meal Stephen recites what on the table is from our garden.

At the same time I’m starting to be sad because I know it’s coming to an end. We had an early start this year. Probably has everything to do with the drought. Early start, earlier ending.

There is a wind at times and a little yellowing of the leaves that has nothing to do with nitrogen deficiency. The pile of tomatoes on the counter is getting smaller. We are getting caught up. Eventually there will not be enough.

I’m not a preserver. It’s just not my thing. And, I don’t have enough veggies in the garden to do that.

But I do cook and have a look at dinner the other night before the tomatoes were added.


On the Halloween gnome front, progress has been made. It’s becoming tedious. There must be a lesson in there somewhere.


The flash went off while taking the picture and it turned the purple into blue. I have a long way to go.

Last night we watched a movie on netflix that is still haunting me. The movie is called “Die Welle” or “The Wave” in English. It’s set in modern day Germany and adapted from a real life occurrence at Cubberley High School in Palo Alto in 1967.

Being born in Germany puts lots of history in the baggage I carry around. I want to believe that if by chance I end up in a social experiment I would act in a way that would make me proud. But that is hubris, right?

In the movie last night I could see myself for the first time not necessarily being a hero. The most chilling scene was the students marching in place and in step to disturb the students below. A lesson in how to create an enemy. I highly recommend watching it.


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